Desert Of North Carolina
PRINCE HALL SHRINEDOM embraces all the basic fundamental concepts of the Masonic Order, but is more colorful, with a broader spectrum of visibility by how it dispenses charity in the community, and the care for its own.
With the wonderful colors highlighted in their annual parade, along with the units, clowns, and Temples from across the domain, Shrinedom, has on occasion been referred to as the “Display” organization, with connections to Prince Hall Freemasonry.
There are 19 Constituent Temples and 18 Constituent Courts throughout the Desert of North Carolina, with a membership of over 1,500 and growing. The Desert of North Carolina is home to the Past Imperial Potentate, Noble Thomas F. Poag, Sethos Temple No. 170, Past Imperial Potentate, Noble William T. Pratt, Kindah Temple No. 62, Past Imperial Potentate, Noble Caesar R. Blake Jr. Rameses Temple No. 51, Past Imperial Commandress, Daughter Gloria Brown Ramsey, Abdallah Court No. 166 and Past Imperial Commandress, Daughter Alicia Chisholm Kindah Court No. 43, also our most recent elected Imperial Elected Officers; Past Commandress Daughter Tiffany Latham, Imperial Grievance and Appeals (1yr), Kabala Court No. 67, and Past Commandress Daughter Jasmine L. Young, Imperial Internal Auditor (3yr), Khalif Court No. 90.
Shrinedom is thought of as a Fraternal, Social, and Charitable Organization:
FRATERNAL in the sense of using passwords and symbols to remind the members to ever strive for inner self-improvement.
SOCIAL from the standpoint of the enjoyment of good times within its ranks; and
CHARITABLE for its unselfish giving of goods and services on both the local and national levels.
We provide substantial grants which are awarded to Historically Black Colleges and Universities annually to supplement the education of economically deprived youth, along with a program of financial aid to fight drugs, crime, and delinquency. There is also a state scholarship grant program for young men and ladies between the ages of 17 and 24 to attend colleges and universities of their choice.
The Shrine Organization is over 128 years old and takes great pride in its Affiliate, which is composed of wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters of the membership – officially styled, the Daughters of the Imperial. They are over 111 years old and mirror, in some respect, the activities of the parent body. Both share offices in the organization’s Headquarters Building located in Memphis, Tennessee.
The Shrine is led by the Imperial Potentate and the Imperial Court by the Imperial Commandress. The red Fez is worn by the men and the white Fez by the women, both of whom are community oriented – and definitely on the move!